1. How does the main character, Leroy ''Horsemouth'' Wallace, compare to the other main characters (Ivan Martin and Derrick Thompson) in the first two films we saw?
In comparison to the other main characters, I think Leroy was really unbearable. I could not enjoy the movie because of his attitude and the way he speaks (he was shouting the whole movie).
In terms of the role everyone of the main characters had in their respective movies. Leroy, who was part of a big ''justice'' robbery to the local mafia (the plot of the movie reminded me of Robin Hood), was a hero, just like Derrick Thompson, who wanted to unify Jamaica using his boxing abilities. I think the different case in this group of protagonists was Ivan Martin, who clearly was a villain.
2. Did you like or dislike the film? Why/Why Not?
I hated the film. I could not connect with the characters because they were all annoying. However, I enjoyed the ending of the movie. I liked how the characters made justice by robbing the mafia leader's house and leaving his personal items (which were obtained by illegal activities) all over the streets to be picked by the local citiziens.
Another thing about the movie that got my attention was the tourism that was shown in some scenes. I was impressed by this because the other movies did not show this side of the country, and tourism was something we have talked about in class.
3. In conclusion to our Jamaican film unit, which was your favorite film of all 3? Why?
My favorite film was Ghetta' Life because I think it was well developed in various aspects. First of all, while watching that movie I could connect with the characters. Everyone had a personality and a role in the movie.
For example, Derrick was an amazing main character, he wanted to bring peace to Jamaica by being the best boxer in the area and he worked really hard to win every fight he could. The protagonists from the other 2 movies were always involved in illegal stuff and making weird decisions, so Derrick was the only one who could achieve his goals working hard and being persistent, without robbing things, using guns or killing people.
Do you agree with me? Or not? I wanna know it! Leave a comment below. I am very interested in your opinions. See you soon with a new entry!